v8 is Chromium/Chrome’s JavaScript engine. If you’ve read the init post , you’d know that it’s in my goals for this year to learn more about and exploit v8. For that, setting up an ideal test environment is crucial. This’ll be a short post detailing the steps required to build v8 from source. I have also createad a script to automate the same. Consider checking that out as well.

Step 1: Pulling the v8 Source Code

Pull the v8 source code using the depot_tools utilities. You probably don’t have them installed, so here’s the command to install them:

git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git
echo 'export PATH=/path/to/depot_tools:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

After downloading the tools run gclient and fetch to get the v8 source:

fetch v8
cd v8/
gclient sync

Step 2: Preparing Build Environment

With source code ready, it’s time to install the dependencies required to build v8. Run the install-build-deps.sh script and additionally pull in lastest changes.

git pull && gclient sync

Step 3: Building v8

Now that the build environment is set up, you can start compiling v8 with the gm.py helper script.

tools/dev/gm.py x64.release #change release to debug if you want the debug build instead

This will take quite a while depending on the cores of your VM so grab something to eat and chill out.

Make sure you have python3.7 or above installed otherwise you might run into build errors. Install a newer version or select a pre-installed one with update-alternatives

Step 4: d8 goes drrrr

After the compilation is over you can find all the built binaries in the out folder. Try exectuing d8, v8’s dev shell:


That’s all. Now you can play around with v8, fuzz it, hack it, whatever you want! If you don’t want to manually go through all these steps you can rely on this handy script I wrote to automate installtion of v8 and switching builds.